Friday, January 6, 2017

The Rise of the Bear

So to the surprise of absolute nobody, Russia and Putin did interfere with the American election to ensure that Trump won.  How much difference did this interference really make to the results of the election, who knows.  But you’ve got to believe that Russia was at least involved in the Wikileaks stuff that eventually prompted an FBI probe days before the election, plus they probably initiated or helped distribute some of the many false stories that leaked in the media, particularly online, that hampered Clinton’s election bid.  So how will Russia be punished?  They will probably get rewarded rather than punished by President Trump and some of his pro-Russia inner circle.  And that is sad.  He will probably weaken NATO, when in reality NATO should be strengthened since Russia has already stepped well over the line in its Ukraine actions.  Does anybody forget that Russia shot down that passenger airplane?  If there is definitive evidence that Russia directly tried to influence and affect the American presidential election, then that should be a considered an act of war – and retaliation should be forthcoming.  I’m not saying America should nuke Moscow, but it has the means to really damage Russia and specifically damage Putin.  I’m all for that.  Putin’s actions in both Syria and Ukraine are war crimes, and his oppression of his Russian political and personal enemies is a disgrace and should be punished.  Didn’t he also get a Russian dissident poisoned by radiation in London?  In all cases, America (and probably more significantly the EU) have shown a weakness which he has exploited.  I don’t want this to be the start of a second Cold War, but I believe the US has to act and make a statement.   

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