Friday, March 31, 2017

Update (lack of update) on living situation

I’m not sleeping well at the moment – and I think it’s part of the reason I’ve been getting a few more headaches/migraines recently.  The reason for my lack of sleep?  Stress.  Partly from work, but mainly because I still haven’t found somewhere new to live.  I’ve got a small extension to my current lease to May 5th (and, surprisingly but pleasantly, they’ve agreed to keep the same rate I’m currently on for those few weeks, rather than the bloated month-to-month rate).  However, this means that I need to find somewhere soon, and I think the next 10 days are going to be critical for this.  I can’t afford to procrastinate on this, which means I might have to reluctantly settle for something less than perfect if I have to (and the high level of perfection I’m seeking is probably totally impossible!).  Then I’ve got to sort out actually moving.  Jeez, what a hassle.  I hope all of this is worth the time, effort and expense….

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Angry Birds

For about the 3rd or 4th time this year, I’ve been looking out of my cube window at work and seen an eagle that has been soaring around get attacked by a “murder” of crows.  It is quite something to see.  It starts with an eagle circling majestically around hunting for prey - undoubtedly a beautiful sight.  Then emerging from the trees appear about 5 or 6 black dots – presumably crows – who head directly towards the eagle.  Then, whilst circling the eagle, each crow takes a turn to dive bomb the eagle.  It is effective – the eagle is forced to fly away, and the crows can return to their nests and presumably the eggs/chicks that they are defending.  This behavior from crows doesn’t surprise me – I’ve been attacked before by crows dive bombing me when I walked too close to one of their nests and ignored their increasingly incessant cawing.  There have also been evenings where hundreds of them have gathered together near where I live to roost.  It may be noisy as hell, and not quite as spectacular as those millions of starlings on Planet Earth II, but nonetheless good to see that urban sprawl hasn’t changed all of nature’s habits.  Nonetheless, crows remain my 2nd least favorite of all the birds (Canadian Geese are worse).    

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


I have a little box of raisins most days, and I’ve noticed that the inside of the top lid has a little “fortune cookie” type piece of wisdom in each box.  Here was today’s:

“Even a squirrel knows how to maximize each day.”

I’ll leave the interpretation of this up to you. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


In an unexpected turn of events at work, I'm actually relatively busy right at the moment.  Having to deal with messy data on something I'm working on, and programatically it's a nightmare.  Spending way more time than planned for and expected on this - but we've got a good handle on the issues, and I think we're doing a good job dealing with data as awkward as what we have.  If I don't get a Value at Work award out of this, I'll be bitterly disappointed.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Geography Test

One of the “Elite 8” match-ups over the weekend in March Madness basketball was Gonzaga vs Xavier.  If anyone knows where both these universities are to be found in the US without looking them up, then (a) you’re a big fan of American college sports, (b) you have an eidetic memory or (c) you’re lying.  I only know Gonzaga is in Spokane because it is in Washington State, so by default (and the fact that the University of Washington sucks as basketball) the locals hope they do well in the tournament.  I have no idea where Xavier is – somewhere on the East Coast, but no idea where exactly.  Just looking through the field, there are so many more universities that I don’t have a clue where they are  - just from the Sweet 16 there is Baylor (Texas?), Purdue (no idea – but I know they are known as the Boilermakers) and Butler (no idea).  For as long as I’ve been in the US, it just goes to show how big it is and how little I know about it.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Lego Deconstruction

I seem to get as much pleasure from putting together a Lego set as I do from taking apart a Lego set and sorting out the bricks into little freezer bags by color and size.  What does that say about me?  I am very disturbed by my very OCD behavior.  And that is on top of currently compiling a list of every single item I own - ostensibly so I have a list of everything in the unlikely event I'm "burglarized" (a particularly weird Americanism) and also to make sure I have list of everything before I move.  But probably this is also another example of OCD behavior.  How worried should I be?  This is only going to get worse as I get older...!      

Saturday, March 25, 2017


I'm not sure who comes out worse now that "Trumpcare" has seemingly gone down in flames - Trump or the Republican Party.  I think actually the Republicans - they couldn't even get the votes to repeal Obamacare even though they have the majority.  For the number of years that they have had to come up with a feasible alternative, they haven't.  American healthcare is a poisoned chalice, and it is amusing that Trump has hung so much of his reputation on fixing it.  I don't think it's fixable.  With this failure right after his immigration policy shambles, Trump's presidency has not got off to a good start - as one would hope!  Unfortunately, his petty nature will probably mean doubling down on something else equally unpopular to the majority - like rolling back clean environmental policy.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017


What do you get when you combine 3 months of much wetter weather than normal, 3 months of mostly freezing weather overnight, and loads more traffic – including a lot more big, heavy construction vehicles - on the roads?  Lots and lots of potholes.  The road surfaces round here are a nightmare.  It seems like every other day I’m failing to avoid a pothole on my commute – it can’t be doing my car and it’s nearly 5 year old tires any good.  Apparently Seattle does have a “pothole team” who go round fixing holes, but they don’t seem to have done much about the ones that I encounter – to the extent that at least I know where to avoid them now.  I suspect the budget for road repairs is miserly, and probably getting lower, as Seattle shows favoritism towards cyclists and spends loads of money on expanding its public transport system (part of the reason car tab renewals have rocketed up in price this year is to fund a massive expansion of the light rail network).  In the meantime, it’s the driver who has to suffer.  Interestingly though, I just found out that drivers can try to submit a claim to the city if their car is damaged by a pothole.  I didn’t know this before – I suspect the chance of the city covering the damage is small but nonetheless good to know if the worst happens.  I wonder whether in 10 years’ time when we’re all in driverless cars if we’ll have to worry about nonsense like this.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sad Fact of the Day

Did you know that the stars of The Big Bang Theory make $1 million per episode?  Yes, PER EPISODE.  Each.  For an episode that, with adverts, lasts 20 minutes at best.  With 24 episodes per season, and which has just been renewed for a couple more years.  And for a show that for many years now has been horribly contrived and a lot less funny than what it used to be  Sad.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


My company has recently set up a women’s “Employee Resource Group”, with the aim of “contributing to the successful recruitment, development, support, and retention of female employees”.  Naturally, the first thought that crossed my mind was both sexist and racist – why isn’t there an equivalent white men group?  But no, I am just jesting – I should consider myself fortunate to be a beneficiary of white male privilege.  Clearly, something has been said (and heard) by upper management at our company about inclusion and diversity because they have recently set up an LGBT Alliance group at work as well.  Interesting timing for these activities.  It is all rather contradictory, and perhaps in response to, the president and his cronies’ particularly conservative beliefs (with the Vice President’s perhaps the worst).  I feel strongly that women’s rights are under threat by our current presidency – specifically, I am very pro-choice and I fear that important right will be targeted (which it has already in states like Texas).

Monday, March 20, 2017

Big Little Lies

The current big-budget HBO miniseries airing is Big Little Lies - complete with high-profile cast and lots of buzz.  It's a bit soapy but very watchable, and makes the California coast look utterly gorgeous.  Unfortunately, it's based on a book and I've already read the Wikipedia entry on the book (I couldn't help myself!) so the ending is already spoiled for me.  But what I was going to say was that I really like the theme tune, so here it is.  Enjoy!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Gift Idea

Just give me a holler if you'd like me to order you this gorgeous commemorative plate for the bargain price of $50.  As the man himself would say, it's yuge.

Saturday, March 18, 2017


One of the worst things about living in the US is having to do your taxes.  An amazingly complicated, convoluted and confusing process.  My taxes should be simple, but invariably they aren't - as I go through all my paperwork (you get something from every possible source of income - so something from my employer plus something from every account I might get some interest/dividend/payment from) and try to make sense of what I need to input and where.  I use a cheap online tax program to submit my taxes - but if my finances ever get more complicated, then I'd have to employ an accountant.  I'm not making big money, but if I was then there are all kinds of tax loopholes to exploit.  No wonder a certain president doesn't want to release his tax returns - he has probably paid less tax than I have over the last 10 years...  After a few years of refunds, it looks like I'm going to owe the government quite a lot of money this time (about $3000), which is very dispiriting.  At least living in Washington State we don't have any state income tax - so that's one less hassle to deal with (but also why our sales tax is so high!).

Friday, March 17, 2017

Doubt and Indecision

I was momentarily seduced by the dark side – I thought about renewing my lease for another year.  But then I saw the light.  Or, to be perfectly clear, it was a rare sunny day yesterday, I happened to be home most of the day, and I was momentarily reminded of how horrendous my current place is during summer.  There were about 20 kids playing with water guns in the play area behind my apartment – and the noise they were making was ungodly.  So, there is no chance in hell that I’m going to stay here for another summer.  I had the opportunity to transfer to another property within the same community, but I have chosen not to – if I’m going to move, then I want to move somewhere entirely different.  And after 15+ years of apartment living, I feel it is time to step up.  It’s going to be more expensive, but I have decided that I want to live at least a year in a non-apartment home – a house or townhouse ideally.  This will not be cheap, and indeed will be more expensive than what I had planned for.  But I am prepared to pony up for at least a year of better quality living – at least I hope better quality!  I have briefly extended my current lease to give me a bit more time to find somewhere – a safety barrier for myself, although I am a long way from happy about the obscene rate that they are charging me for this short extension.  But needs must.  Now I just need to find somewhere to move to.  Easier said than done!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

March Madness

It's that time of the year - March Madness!  This probably doesn't mean anything to anyone outside of the US, but today the inexplicably popular NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament started.  That means loads of college basketball games on over the next few weeks - between colleges that I couldn't even get close to guessing where they lie geographically in the US.  Even though my knowledge of college basketball is nonexistent at best, I still completed a bracket (although the 2nd game of the day bust it!).  Since teams are seeded, there is some skill to completing the bracket - generally pick higher over lower seeds, and then try to identify the "bracket busters" or "Cinderella stories" that involve some little heralded high-seeded team going a long way, maybe even into the "Final Four".  Imagine trying to predict every single game at Wimbledon - that is the best comparison I can make.  It's difficult to show just how popular this tournament is to the outsider - Obama used to complete a bracket every year when he was President (naturally, Trump has not).  My overall pick is Duke - but I wouldn't read much into that, because as I write this I lie a lofty joint 7.7 millionth position in the ESPN tournament challenge.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Cultural Differences

Apparently, according to something I was reading today, you should really, really avoid starting a conversation with "What do you do?" when you go to England.  Apparently, English culture frowns on this behavior that Americans consider normal.  I had no idea.  Probably for the best, because "statistical programmer" is not a particularly sexy response and generates only quizzical and indifferent looks.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


It’s amazing what just a 1 hour shift in time can do.  Our clocks went forward over the weekend, and my already delicate sleeping patterns have been ruined.  I’m not tired when I go to bed, and I’m really tired when I wake up – to the extent that I slept through an alarm this morning, scuppering my chances of getting into work early.  I think the whole charade of changing the clocks to and from daylight savings time is an antiquated waste of time, totally unnecessary in our day and age.  It is ironic that a massive winter-storm is hitting the East coast in the week that we shifted to summertime!  I have mixed blessings about the extra hour of light in the evenings – nice to have the opportunity to go out when it’s still light after work, but it means that the hellish racket made by the little sh*ts playing in the playground area behind my apartment lasts well into the evening.

Monday, March 13, 2017


It’s looking like Operation Ihavegottomove is going to be a bust.  It’s not so much so that I haven’t found anywhere new to live yet, as there just don’t seem to be ANY rentals that meet my size/price/location criteria.  I mean absolutely none – I haven’t even replied to a single ad.  Now I’m wondering whether I’m even looking on the best websites.  As has been pointed out to me, I need the change.  But as has also been pointed out to me, even if I move somewhere new I will invariably find something to complain about.  I haven’t totally given up on the possibility of moving, but I have resigned myself to the fact that I might not move.  And that will necessitate some lifestyle changes.  In particular, not staying at home so much during those nice summer days and evenings when I can go particularly stir crazy – so I need to engage more regularly in things like evening walks and weekends away.  Whatever money I might save from rent and moving expenses can go towards this.  But I will continue to scan the rental ads in the hope of finding somewhere before I need to make a definitive decision.  I’m trying not to feel too down because I hope and want to make a more substantial move (away from Seattle) in a year’s time, and I think that is significantly more important than whether I make a temporary move now or not. 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Senior Moment

I've never had a good sense of balance - part of the reason I can't ski, skateboard, skate or roller-blade - but today I managed to lose my balance whilst squatting down clearing the cupboard below the kitchen sink.  As I lent back, I felt myself going and there was nothing I could do other than put out my wrist to cushion my fall.  I suppose I should be grateful that I didn't suffer from anything other than embarrassment as I rolled over backwards.  Sad.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Nicolas Cage

As much as I love an intelligent, thoughtful, well-acted, well-filmed, well-plotted film, sometimes I just need the brainless enjoyment of a 90's Nicolas Cage movie.  My go to is normally Con Air - which seems to air almost weekly on one channel or another.  Today, I was fortunate to catch Face/Off - another classic - and on a premium channel no less, so no edits or dubbing over (don't even get me started on the fact that Americans have absolutely no problem showing all manner of gore or violence uncut, but can't handle even one swear word when showing a film on basic cable or network TV).  Naturally, Face/Off is utterly preposterous and horribly over-acted, but never not entertaining.  After Con Air and Face/Off, I just need to catch The Rock to complete my trilogy of classic 90's Nicolas Cage.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Investor's Fury

As my company’s stock continues to decline (not calamitously so, but a long way from the heady levels of a few years ago), I get perverse enjoyment from reading online articles where analysts vent their fury and frustration at our company for not doing more to further its position as one of the premier biotechs in the world.  Amongst the recent headlines: “Dear XXX: Buy Something – Anything – Analyst Pleads”, “Analyst Pleads With XXX To Buy”, “XXX: Just Any Deal Won’t Do”, “How XXX Is Paying The Price For Actually Curing A Disease”, “Is XXX Worthy Of Your Portfolio?”.  Hilarious.  Coincidentally, lots of rumors swirled today on speculation that my company might be nearing a deal to takeover  another one.  I hope so, because then that will give me the impetus and excuse to ask if I can switch teams (and manager) to work on something new.  Change is definitely something I want in my life right now…!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

TV Update

My DVR is filling up shockingly quickly at the moment - there seems to be an awful lot of stuff I'm recording, some of dubious quality.  A quick rundown:

British programs (all of which I think have already aired in Britain)
- Taboo
- Victoria
- Planet Earth II
- The Missing
- Humans

Half-hour comedies
- Baskets
- Bob's Burgers
- Making History
- Family Guy
- The Last Man on Earth
- Crashing
- The Middle
- New Girl
- The Detour
- The Goldbergs
- Speechless
- Blackish
- Superstore
- Review
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- Man Seeking Woman
- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Premium Cable Dramas
- Big Little Lies
- Homeland
- Billions

Sci-Fi Dramas
- Colony
- The Expanse

Reality TV
- Gold Rush
- Survivor

Basic Cable and Network Dramas
- American Crime
- Elementary
- Feud: Bette and Joan
- 24: Legacy
- Bates Motel
- Outsiders
- The Americans
- Designated Survivor
- Legion

Jeez, that is way too many hours in front of the TV!  If I had to choose the cream of the crop, I would go with Planet Earth II, Review, The Americans and Legion.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Operation Ihavegottomove is off to a slow start.  After 3 days of fairly extensive scanning of ads for somewhere to rent, I have yet to find anything that meets my initial criteria and is enticing enough for me to inquire about it.  Disappointing.  I don’t think my initial size/location/cost criteria are particularly demanding, so maybe I’m just being too fussy.  Worst, the thought has crossed my mind to stay in my current place a bit longer.  NO.  I do not want to entertain that possibility – I HAVE to move out, for the sake of my sanity and the dread of dealing with all the issues that come up over summer.  Hopefully, more appealing choices might crop up in the next week or so – I have to make an official decision on whether to extend my lease in about a week’s time, so it would be nice to find somewhere before then.  But even if not, then perhaps deciding not to renew my lease and the resulting urgency of having to find somewhere will be the kick up the ass I need.  I have an image in my mind of what I’d optimally like to find – but I’m reluctant to articulate it because the reality will inevitably disappoint.  That is classic behavior for me – for all my negativity I am a dreamer, and reality has yet to fail in letting me down.  Must channel positive thoughts – I will find somewhere nice to move to, I will find somewhere nice to move to, I will find somewhere nice to move to…  

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Summer Sounds for Winter

It was snowing this morning.  Not cold enough to settle or anything, but still snow.  And I was just checking the forecast, not a single sunny day to be seen and showers/rain on every day for the next 15 days.  What is going on?!  This is kind of why I want to move away from the Pacific NW – I miss the year-round sunny climes of Southern California.  For these long, gray and depressing days, cue summer soundtrack:

Monday, March 6, 2017

Wiretapping Nonsense

President Trump thinks he can get away with all manner of half-truths and untruths.  He won’t – karma will find a way.  The latest lies revolve around his claims that Obama wiretapped his home.  His unsubstantiated claims, I hasten to add.  Quite frankly, for the President to issue such baseless and derogatory accusations to a former President is repugnant.  It’s either a wish to personally and professionally embarrass Obama – again (this is the same guy who claimed Obama was not American and demanded he show his birth certificate).  Or a cheap and transparent effort to detract news from all the various other scandals currently engulfing his presidency, in particular regarding Russian influence.  Either way, it just goes to show how entirely unpresidential the current president acts.  I hope Obama retaliates – there would only be one winner in that duel - but I don't think he would ever stoop to Trump's level.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


One of my guilty pleasures is watching NASCAR.  I've always quite liked motor sports - I have hazy memories of going to see races with my grandpa, my cousin and my French exchange student - but Formula One is just absolutely unwatchable nowadays, so I get my racing kicks from watching American stock car racing.  At least I used to, no more.  In a desperate attempt to revive flagging ratings, they've entirely changed the format so that each race is split up into stages.  It's just ridiculous, and pointless, and needlessly breaks up the race.  So I'm not going to watch any more.  I don't mind, because I was getting increasingly embarrassed at being a NASCAR fan.  The typical fan is white, redneck, and a Trump supporter - NASCAR races were the only ever time I saw pro-Trump ads prior to the election.  Whereas before when they cut to a shot of the crowd you used to see confederate flags, now when they cut to the crowd you are guaranteed to see at least one Make America Great Again baseball cap.  No more, and one less excuse to stay in on a Sunday.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Myrtle Edwards Park

For what feels like the first weekend in absolutely ages, actually woke up to some sun.  So, decided to head downtown to the waterfront.  Sadly, but inevitably, it had clouded up by the time I got down there just before lunch.  Nonetheless, went for a walk in Myrtle Edwards Park - which follows the waterfront just north of downtown.  It's a walk I know well - when I used to work in the vicinity I used to go down there virtually every day - and it tends to be quite crowded, and today was no exception.  It's flat, not massively long (I maybe walked about 2 miles each way), and includes a sculpture park, a grain terminal and a public pier.  I was hoping to grab lunch at Pike Place Market afterwards, but was disappointed to find that my go-to sandwich place was shut.  I couldn't face the hoards of tourists anywhere else, so simply headed home.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Bad Habit

Is there anything more annoying that biting your nails, chewing on a nail clipping, that clipping getting stuck in the small gap between your front teeth, and spending the rest of the day totally unable to get the nail out from between your teeth.  It's still there, I think, but at least I can't feel it with my tongue anymore.  Sadly, this is not the first time this has happened....

Thursday, March 2, 2017

One of life's most stressful ordeals, and I plan to do it yet again

Operation Ihavegottomove starts in earnest next week, as things are not getting any better at my current place and I dread the prospect of another summer and all the ensuing issues then.  So I am giving myself 3 weeks to find somewhere new to live.  I have to confirm I’m moving out of my current place a month before my lease ends, so it would be great if I can find somewhere before then.  But even if I don’t, I think I will still commit to leaving and simply ramp up the urgency (and, if I have to, be a bit less fussy on what I’m looking for).  I’ve already started exploring online to see what’s out there – there are a few good looking options, but the timing of their availability is not ideal i.e. too early.  My best bet is to find somewhere about a month before my planned move-in date – which is in about 2 weeks’ time – so I will probably take a day off work around then and dedicate it to looking at as many places as I can and committing to one that day.  But I hope to start replying to some ads and arranging some viewings beginning next week if I can.  This is something I cannot afford to procrastinate on.  Wish me luck.  

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


On Monday, I experienced something I don’t think I’ve ever experienced before – “thundersnow”.  It was a crazy day – there was some unexpected snowfall and snow accumulation Monday morning which messed up the morning commute, so I took a teleconference at home in the morning before heading into work at lunchtime.  Then in the span of about 1/2 hour in the afternoon we experienced thunder, lightning, rain, hail, something called graupel (a new word for me!), snow, before finally sunshine.  It was quite bizarre – it went from quite settled weather to all of a sudden being totally unstable and the sky opening up, before abruptly returning to normal.  The Space Needle got him by lightning multiple times, which made for some good photos (which unfortunately I can’t claim credit for).