Saturday, December 12, 2020


It would have been my office Christmas party last night.  Sometimes I go to these, most years I don't bother.  I think I would have gone this year (if I wasn't back in the UK), because it was being held at some venue featuring trapeze artists - the idea of eating a Christmas meal with some trapeze artists flying above you sounds kind of cool.  But obviously it didn't happen this year.  Instead, I think every full time employee at the site is being given some money.  But the math (yes, intentional Americanism alert) doesn't work out.  Supposedly we are getting $25 each.  I don't exactly know how many employees in the Seattle office we have now, but it's certainly no more than 200.  And 200 multiplied by $25 is $5000.  There is no way that the cost of the venue, the cost of the food and drink, the cost of the raffle prizes, and the cost of everything else that goes into the party is anywhere near $5000 or less.  It has to be way way more.  So somebody somewhere is pocketing the rest - very dodgy.  It's not the only instance of this at work.  I know that the table tennis club has a budget - but that has had zero outlay this year.  I'm very suspicious of the Chinese guy in charge of this money - in previous years he's spent most of this money on things we don't need (like a new table and a table tennis robot), over the objections of me and several other people.  We haven't even had any gift cards through the club (that I know other clubs at work have had) - so where has all that money gone?  My cynicism is through the roof on all of this.        

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