Monday, December 14, 2020


I’m not an expert on the latest happenings with regards Brexit – if you’re in the UK, then I’m sure you’re consuming a lot more news about it than me.  In fact, you’re probably generally consuming a lot more news than me – I just find current affairs too depressing, particularly American politics and anything to do with Trump and Trumpism, so I am considering most of it just noise and ignoring it.  However, I encountered something at work that relates to Brexit, and I found it kind of interesting.  I am working on a clinical trial that is due to start recruiting subjects next year.  The plan was to include subjects from the UK in the clinical trial.  But – and this was explicitly stated multiple times in meetings – due to Brexit, then the UK will no longer be considered for recruitment in the clinical trial.  Too much additional work and too many unknowns when it comes to dealing with the UK in a post-Brexit world.  I know this is the tiniest of tiny things – but if you consider that there are probably millions and millions of similar decisions being made across all manner of fields and industries, then the overall impact in the UK will surely be felt.  2020 has unequivocally been a sh*t year.  But I think 2021 could be equally bad in the UK as the consequences of Brexit start to hit.  Good luck with that. 

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