Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Rain (follow up)

A quick weather update - ended up getting somewhere between 1 and 2 inches of snow last night.  Fortunately it's warm enough that most of it had melted away today - but still a dusting of snow all over my yard.  Lynnwood, where I live, made the local headlines by having some of the worst flooding in the region after this storm.  A lot of major roadways - including ones that I frequent quite regularly - were flooded and closed yesterday.  But things have settled down now, and no more rain forecast until Christmas Day.

The governor of our state proclaimed a 14 day quarantine for visitors from the UK yesterday.  Now I'm really confused about what kind of restrictions were in place before then.  I know there were, and as far as I know still are, restrictions on the UK side when it comes to travel between the US and the UK.  Either way, I am not even going to consider international travel (or indeed any sort of air travel) until it is safe to do so and has returned to some semblance of normality (whatever that is).  And that probably means after I've been vaccinated.  I did get an e-mail from my doctor's office today saying that they will be one of the region's first health care organizations to receive doses of the vaccine.  I have absolutely no idea when they'll start giving them to us muggles, I'm sure I'm a long way down the priority list.  Surely having high blood pressure must count for something?!        

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