Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Sausage Roll Substitute

They don't quite make up for the lack of sausage rolls, but I have discovered that my local supermarket stocks frozen "Franks in a Blanket".  And they are a godsend.  Apparently in the US, pigs in blankets can also be called franks in blankets or franks in blanks.  And I don't think they are the same as UK pigs in blankets - these are pork sausages wrapped in puff pastry (which is about as close to sausage rolls as you get here).  Aren't pigs in blankets normally wrapped in bacon?  Stupid Americans.  


  1. I'm not usually an advocate for American intelligence, but on this occassion, I think you're being harsh.

    Pig is clearly named as it is pork
    Frank is probably a derivation from frankfurter.

    The fact that the UK "blanket" is bacon (you are correct) & the American is pasty doesn't detract from the fact it's still a blanket around the pig / frank - so not "stupid".

  2. p.s. "Beer Can" - That's how Jamaicans pronounce bacon
