Thursday, October 28, 2021


Generally, I am not following US politics anywhere near as much as I used to during Trump's tenure.  I'm fairly indifferent to Joe Biden - I think he has good intentions, but is somewhat hampered by red states and the very delicate balance of power in Congress and the Senate.  But at least he isn't Trump.  This year may not be as important an election year as next year - when we have mid-terms that could result in a serious swing in power - but there are still some important races going on.  Not locally - I didn't even bother looking through the election pamphlet that came in the mail this year.  But there are others elsewhere - for example, Governor of Virginia.  And apparently what shouldn't be a close race (Biden won the state by 10 points) is indeed close, and one of the hot topics seems to be the teaching of critical race theory in schools.  I've got to be honest and say I have absolutely no clue what critical race theory is (I guess not having any children means that I don't really care about stuff like this).  But apparently it's a big deal and Republicans and the far right media have seized on it as racist (towards whites).  Just like mask mandates and vaccine mandates, and judging by some of the video I've seen of parents' protesting, it generates some serious hatred and pushback from a particular demographic (think white, uneducated, Fox News consumers).  Apparently Americans don't like being told they're racist, even though they clearly are.    

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