Thursday, March 25, 2021


Oh no, my house is starting to smell again.  It's too early in the year for the annual pollen smell (if that's what it is!) that so bothers me - this is something else.  And this smells different - I can best describe it as stale sweat.  And I seem to notice it most when I'm in my living room.  But, for the life of me, I can't identify the source.  Does it come from me, does it come from something inside the room, does it come from something outside the room?  Am I imagining the smell?  I guess now that I'm spending almost 24/7 of my time at home, there is bound to be some consequences.  I wonder if it's also coincidental that I briefly saw the raccoons again this morning.  But no matter what I do - vacuum the room, clean the sofa, light a candle, spray air freshener, plug in a scented oil freshener - the smell is not going away.  It's driving me crazy, and with the destructive sound of chainsaws and falling branches still going on in the background from across the road - I'm increasingly in a bad mental place right now.

1 comment:

  1. Chris, I both sympathise & empathise - I had a smell problem in Farnham which recurred for ages (years) & at times made me throughly miserable.

    Obviously there could be a thousands of potential causes, but what little advice I have is this:-

    Take note of air flow in the house, my smell was finally nailed as coming from the drainage system on my washing machine (which was old) - but I only got there after almost systematically cleaning ALOT of other stuff.

    But in retrospect, we used the back (kitchen) door for ingress / egress - so when the back door got opened, the smnelly air shot round the house - anywhere BUT the kitchen (which didn't smell as a result). However when one got up in the morning, the smell was more prevalent IN the kitchen than elsewhere.
