Tuesday, September 14, 2021


I got a long overdue haircut today.  And I went to a neighborhood barbers that I'd never been to before.  And I feel like I'm still looking for my regular haircut place.  It's not that this barbers was that bad, but it just wasn't particularly welcoming.  I want to go somewhere that's friendly, with a barber that gets to know me and knows what haircut I like and will best suit my rapidly deteriorating hairline.  Which is why going to get my haircut is starting to become an increasingly nerve-wracking exercise.  I don't know what to ask for - but judging from my last few haircuts, it seems that the comb over is best for me.  Though, fortunately, I have enough hair at the moment that it's not quite that Bobby Charlton/Hamlets Cigar guy look yet.     

1 comment:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofHWBhUDbSg

    Sheldon Cooper = Chris Mansfield
