Saturday, February 13, 2021

Winter Storm Watch - Day 2

Some views from outside my home this morning:

Yes, a lot of snow came down last night.  And it hasn't stopped snowing all day today (even as I write this in the early evening) - so there's even more now.  To the surprise of absolutely nobody, the forecasts were way off - I got a lot more snow than forecast, probably something close to a foot.  And snow/freezing rain has reappeared in tomorrow's forecast, so there is more to come (and a higher chance of power outages).  Fortunately it warms up by Monday - so I shall save my snow shoveling until then (there will probably be a LOT of local flooding).  It's President's Day, so at least Monday is a bank holiday.  I fear for my hummingbird.  I could see him just sitting on a branch near the feeder most of the day, probably absolutely starving - I did try to clean up the feeder a few things so that he could feed, but it's tough because the snow is relentless so it doesn't take long for it to get covered up again.  Hopefully he can make it through the next few days.  And the same goes for all the other animals whose tracks I see in the snow - even though some of the tracks absolutely mystify me as to what kind of animal they came from.       

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