Friday, February 19, 2021


I was watching the local news last night - well when I say watching, it just happened to be on.  But then a report caught my attention - the reporter kept on using the phrase Mr Biden.  Perhaps that does injustice to how he was emphasizing the "Mr" part of it - more like MR Biden blah blah blah MR Biden blah blah blah.  How disrespectful was that to PRESIDENT Biden?!  And then it dawned on me, I was watching the local Fox affiliate.  And they were not showing a local news report but something national - so likely it came from Fox News.  And by not calling him President Biden, it was clear that the reporter was making a not so subtle jab at the legality of Biden's presidency.  The whole situation is just utterly preposterous.  It's clear that a significant proportion of the American population will never accept Biden's presidency - and irresponsible media outlets like Fox News continue to propagate this and other falsehoods.  I think it might be time to change the name of this country - it should now be called the "States of America" because there sure doesn't seem to be much "United" going on, and I'm not sure there ever will be again.          

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