Saturday, February 20, 2021

More Subscription Boxes

I've decided to give a subscription meal box service a go, and my first meals got delivered yesterday and I had my first one today.  First impressions are mixed, to say the least.  First of all, they don't look appetizing - they come in this frozen package (with an awful lot of packaging, which can't be good for the environment) so essentially they just look like fancy microwave meals.  I thought they might use a lot more fresh ingredients, but that doesn't seem to be the case yet they are still a lot more expensive than the microwave meals you can get at the supermarket.  And, as feared, they are small.  This is not necessarily a bad thing - American meals are notorious for their lack of proportion-control, so I don't mind having a meal that is proper sized.  The first meal I had was pulled pork al pastor - I followed the instructions to microwave it, but I'm wondering whether I should have heated it up on the stove or in the oven to not lose so much of the flavor.  But even using the microwave, it didn't taste half bad.  However, it didn't take long before it - how shall I say this politely - "disagreed" with me.  That is not a good sign.  So this particular meal box service might be a very short-lived experiment.  I'll give it a few more weeks and I think I've got no meal the same (I'm on the 4 meals a week plan) so let's see how it works out.  But there might be cheaper alternatives (not least, learning to cook!) that will allow me to get a more varied diet - which is really the whole point of this.  

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