Wednesday, February 10, 2021


OK, apparently I have very low potassium.  Some of the symptoms include fatigue, muscle cramps and abnormal heart rhythms.  Yikes.  But might also explain why I've been feeling so low energy and lethargic recently.  At my last doctor's visit, I was told to try increasing my dose of potassium supplement.  I've done so over the last few weeks, and went in today to get some follow-up blood work done.  And then this evening I got a call by the covering doctor to tell me that low potassium is still an issue and that it needs to be addressed.  That can't be good.  It may just be a simple case of changing my blood pressure medication - I use a diuretic and that is likely to be the cause of the issue.  But we shall see.  It seems like I have the joys of trying out different blood pressure medications, and their associated side effects, to look forward to again.  Great.  

1 comment:

  1. OK - Most of my comments take the piss or poke fun.

    This one not so.
    (as someone who also takes HPB meds).

    In your position I would be extremely reticent to become a walking cocktails of meds - each one trying to undo facets caused by the previous.

    This ia really brave call, but in your position i would seriously consider the following;

    1. Buy a BP monitor (I have one - loathsome thing which can ruin your day, BUT it allows you accutate data).

    2. Purchase a book (there are hundreds) on trying to reduce your BP holistically sans medication.

    It's a tough road I've never trodden BUT once a quack tells me that my BP meds need even more meds to cure side effects, I would.
