Sunday, November 15, 2020


As the virus continues to surge in the US, and the lack of federal response is utterly shameful, states are having to pass their own restrictions.  And our State Governor just announced a load of new restrictions today - notably a ban on most kinds of indoor social gatherings such as dining, and an occupancy limit on most retail stores.  I guess this means I might need to start going to the grocery store early again!  I hope this doesn't result in panic-buying of toilet paper and suchlike again.  I don't think so.  These restrictions aren't as dramatic as the ones we had earlier in the year - but frankly I think they should be as the rate of infection is much higher than before.  And I have absolutely no doubts that most Americans will blatantly flout these rules as friends and families gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving soon, and then Christmas.  I think things will get a lot worse before they get better again.      

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