Sunday, November 1, 2020


A couple of my pet hates seem to have got worse since the start of the pandemic - and that is the amount of trash being thrown out by passing cars on the road at the bottom of my driveway, and the amount of cars speeding on that stretch of the road.  I think because I'm spending so much time at home, I'm a lot more attuned to the sound of cars going too fast.  And I'm almost OCD about checking whether any new trash has appeared near the bottom of the driveway since the day before.  The kind of trash varies - most commonly its fast food trash or empty cans of beer or energy drinks, but I've also come across rolled up newspapers that haven't been delivered, mail that looks as though it's been stolen, used masks, vehicle documentation, etc.  I'll go out and pick up the trash if need be - with my gloves and picker, it looks like I'm doing community service!  But since there aren't any sidewalks down there, at least it should make the cars slow down if they see me.  Though sometimes they don't, and if they pass too close to me then I will gesticulate at them (sometimes with 1 finger).      

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