Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Night

I'm writing this about 7 pm, I've turned off my phone, this will be the only time I go on the internet, and I shall not be watching any news tonight.  I have absolutely no intention of following the election results - if the early signs were good, I would have considered watching Fox News to enjoy their discomfort and unhappiness.  But alas, the very early signs were not promising, so I just cannot go through the agony of watching any of it.  I'll read the headlines tomorrow morning.   I thought I would spend the evening watching some DVR recordings, but there seems to be a bit of a pattern to some of the stuff I have been recording, none of which makes for appealing viewing tonight.  These are all genuine things I have on my DVR:

-  Agents of Chaos, a documentary about Russian interference in the 2016 election

- The Comey Rule, a drama about the former FBI director who got fired by Trump

- The Perfect Weapon, a documentary about cyber conflict

- 537 Votes, a documentary about the 2000 US election

- American Selfie: One Nation Shoots Itself, a documentary about the current state of America

- The Soul of America, a documentary comparing the current state of America to it's past

- The Campaigns That Made History, a documentary about historically important political contests

- Cats, the 2019 film based on the musical which I've already tried to watch twice and had to stop on both occasions because it was atrocious

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