Thursday, November 12, 2020

Car Service

A good day, I was able to cross another thing off my to-do list - something that was long overdue.  And that was getting my car serviced.  There doesn't seem to be much wrong with my car - not too much of a surprise since it's getting so little use at the moment - but I still feel I got ripped off.  Might be time to start going to an independent mechanic rather than a dealer.  I don't know whether this is entirely due to the pandemic, but the wait time to get an appointment (3 weeks) and the wait time for the actual appointment (they said 1 hour, I was there for about 3 hours) were absolutely horrendous.  Especially as waiting in the customer lounge there was a nightmare.  It was full of old people chattering away - not all of whom seemed to be waiting for their car.  It was very weird, like they just meet there every day to get some free coffee and catch up on their day's gossip.  And let's just say that their ability to social distance and keep their masks on was "inconsistent".  As soon as they started talking politics and disparaging Biden, I was out of there.       

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