Saturday, November 21, 2020


I think we all knew that, as Edward Norton succinctly put it, Trump is a whiny bitch.  So I am not in the least bit surprised that he has yet to concede defeat.  I don't know, and I don't care, if it is because he is stupid enough to actually believe that he won the election or if it is because he is pig-headed enough to refuse to accept that he lost.  But when it starts to compromise things like national security or the timeline for the eventual roll out of the vaccine, then that is a serious point of concern.  It is not so much Trump that concerns me - since we wouldn't and didn't expect any different.  It's the people that enable his behavior to go on that really annoy me.  In particular, the Republican Party.  As Trump continues to lose all these ridiculous lawsuits, and make all these unsubstantiated and dangerous claims about voter fraud and other such nonsense - the Republican Party's lack of response is deafening.  And really regrettable - it undermines democracy, and continues to empower large swatches of the American population to refuse to accept the legitimate results of the election.  I have serious worries about what kind of unrest there might be when Biden is eventually sworn in.  I think the media also have a roll to play in this - Trump shouldn't be allowed to continue to have a Twitter account, and media shouldn't continue to report on Trump if he has nothing legitimate to say - which he doesn't.  Take away his headlines and you take away his lies.  This should be a time of celebration as we look forward to a new presidency after an extremely divisive and tumultuous last 4 years - but instead I continue to be profoundly depressed at how low American politics has become.      

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