Friday, June 17, 2016

More apartment shennanigans

I kind of fear that I’m starting to sound like the boy who cried wolf, and that no one will take my apartment complaints seriously.  This is from the e-mail I sent to the apartment office today, concerning the latest developments:

Basically, I have been woken up early 3 mornings in a row now by the sound of a car engine.  What is happening is that someone is driving their car down to the pullout by the mailboxes near my apartment in the early hours, and idling/revving up their engine for 5-10 minutes there before they go on their way.  I wouldn't normally have any issues with this, apart from two things.  Firstly, their car engine is loud.  It is loud enough to wake me up in my bedroom even though I have the windows closed and I’m wearing earplugs (I can’t believe I’m the only one affected by this?!).  Secondly, it is really early – I have been woken up at 5am6am and 4.30am the last 3 mornings.  I reached my breaking point this morning and went out and said something to the driver, but I was tired and irritable so I’m not sure if I made any sense.

If this keeps on going on, I will let you know and ask that you do something about it.  It is a resident – I went for an explore yesterday evening, and I saw the car (a quite distinctive red Mazda) in the drive of 40A.  The fact that they’re warming up their car by the mailboxes rather than in front of their home makes me think that either other neighbors have complained about it or that they know their car is noisy.  Either way, now I’m suffering from their lack of consideration and I’m very unhappy about it.

Unbelievable.  Yes, some idiot is working on their gangbanger car in the early hours and waking me up.  And not even in front of their own home, so clearly they must know that they are being a total dick.  I probably shouldn’t have confronted him this morning as that could easily have escalated in a very bad way, but I was pissed after the 3rd consecutive morning of being woken up and so I had to say something – I have absolutely no recollection of what I actually said, because I was angry and still half-asleep, but hopefully enough so that it won’t happen again (though I fear the worse). 

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