Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Centralized Office Waste Stations

Have I blogged about this before?  I may not have, being preoccupied with the virus and its fallout.  But work recently instituted one of the most ridiculous changes I’ve ever come across in a work environment – no more personal trash cans (bins).  This may be a “small inconvenience to some” according to the e-mail that got sent out, but it is a massive inconvenience to me as someone who often eats at their desk, writes lots of notes and generally throws away a lot of things at my desk  At the least, let us keep the bins even if we have to empty them ourselves.  But no bins at all, this is the worst decision of all – I’m either going to end up stockpiling a load of trash in my cube or I need to bring in my own bin.  Yes, I know this is all a bit of a moot point when everyone is currently working from home.  But it was quite sneaky to introduce this when nobody is around to complain about it.  And was this change really necessary just to make things a little bit easier for the janitor or to make an environmental impact?  I’m going to say no.  This is the first small step towards my total nightmare, and something they have apparently introduced to some office areas in our HQ in California, a fully open plan office with no cubicle walls.  If that happens, I'm quitting.

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