Monday, May 16, 2022

I Hate My TV

I'm not sure how long I can procrastinate, but I think I really need to buy a new TV.  Even though I haven't had my current one for that long, I've had numerous problems with it.  And, seemingly, things have got worse since I've come back from the UK.  These are mainly audio issues - it seems to take a while for my soundbar to kick in, even when I'm just changing channel.  And sometimes it doesn't kick in at all unless I turn my soundbar off and on.  This sounds like a soundbar issue rather than a TV issue right?  I guess that's possible.  It could also be a issue with the cable box, since the sound levels now seem to vary between channels.  But I suspect the problem is with the TV because I have another issue with it.  And that is that the TV sometimes doesn't turn off when I want it to - instead it becomes unresponsive and then decides to reboot itself.  It's bizarre, I have no idea why it's doing that.  I might have to play around with my set up to see if I can fix things - but I fear the technology is starting to get beyond me.  And, once again, I am reminded that I shouldn't buy cheap.  It could be an expensive summer, I also want to get a new mattress.    

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