Wednesday, May 4, 2022


I didn't want to, but I've just had to throw out a load of out of date food.  The reason I didn't want to - the current price of food at the supermarkets out here is shocking.  And it's not like the food is of particular high quality.  But I read somewhere that Seattle has the highest cost of food shopping in the US only behind New York.  And the price increase is noticeable when you do your weekly shop now.  What is perhaps surprising is how expensive comparable foods here are to what they cost in the UK - that doesn't seem right in the wake of Brexit.  Yes it's a lot cheaper to eat out here than it is in the UK, but the cost of groceries - particularly the healthy stuff like fruit and veg - is a lot cheaper in the UK than it is here.  No wonder obesity is so prevalent - it ain't cheap to eat healthily.  Not that I can use that as an excuse!  But I can say that it is not just the various British foods I miss (fish n chips, curry, sunday roasts, sausage rolls, pies, crisps, confectionery, pastries, etc), but it is also food shopping in general - I think I could eat a lot more healthily and with a lot more variety in the UK than I currently do here.  It might be time to switch up my grocery shopping - I've been thinking about trying some new places.   

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