Sunday, April 24, 2022


A trip into London yesterday - and a chance to brave the crowds.  Almost as if we weren't still in the midst of a pandemic!  A quick trip to one of my favorite museums - the Imperial War Museum - before meeting up with a couple of friends and going on a bit of a walk around central London, naturally with a few pub stops on the way.  It was strikingly busy with tourists, and there might have been even more people than normal, thanks to it being St George's Day (which I had absolutely no idea about until getting to Trafalgar Square, and seeing they had some kind of family event going on).  It's been a long time since I've been somewhere crowded, so I must confess to not feeling entirely comfortable walking around with no regard to social distancing and mask-wearing.  Perhaps that is because I haven't yet reached that level of acceptance with COVID that others have - which is perhaps reflective of how it still feels in the US compared to the UK.

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