Thursday, April 21, 2022


I don't think I've driven in the UK now for about 15 years.  And I haven't driven a manual for about 20 years.  I don't think I'll ever drive manual again (and, in my humble opinion, the US has got it right when it comes to the prevalence of automatic cars - they are so much easier to drive).  And I really have no desire to drive in the UK any time soon.  In fact, based on the narrow roads, an overabundance of over-complicated roundabouts, a ridiculous number of speed cameras, and a major inability to judge road position, I think I am a little bit petrified of driving here ever again.  I am used to driving on the different side of the road, on the different side of the car, and on roads that are plenty wide enough for the type of car I drive.  And not having to deal with so many roads with parked cars on them, and my inability to judge whether what is left of the road is wide enough for 2 cars to pass each other.  So I just want to say a BIG thank you to all the people that have driven me around in the times I've been back in the last 15 years...      

1 comment:

  1. A curious mixture of the intelligent, the laughable & the understandable here:

    1. Automatic transmission - You are SO right, cretins (not me) who still operate a "stickshift" - wake up to a more relaxed style of driving!!!

    2. Roundabouts - Absurdly simple & super safe. Your comments reflect badly on you.

    3. Narrow lanes / perception of space - Yep, I sympathise.
