Sunday, August 2, 2020


For the first time, actually saw a coyote today.  I've heard them lots of times before - but this one was just by him (or her) self on my driveway about 30 minutes ago.  Very surprised to see one from my kitchen window when it was still light outside.  I hope this doesn't mean that he's caught my backyard bunny - who I haven't seen today.  That would be sad.  This coyote looked more like a beat-up hyena than anything else - these are the bums of the canine world.  Tried to take a photo - but by the time I had spotted him and went to get my phone, he had disappeared down my driveway.  I went outside and wandered down my driveway and spotted him again, but he saw me before I could get my phone up and disappeared into the undergrowth.  So sadly I have no photographic evidence of his presence.  I kind of hope to see him again, but I also kind of hope I don't because I like seeing his prey (things like squirrels and rabbits) in my backyard.  If he just preyed on moles I would be alright with that.   

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