Saturday, August 29, 2020


Holy crap, I think I just saw a bobcat in my yard.  That's a new one for me.  I'd just got up and was downstairs on my sofa having a glass of water, and then saw a flash of brown movement in the window.  First thought was that it was a deer, so thought I'd have a closer look.  Then second thought was that it was a coyote, because it was smaller than a deer.  Then finally saw it clearly in the light before it disappeared into the undergrowth and it definitely looked cat-like, with cat-like movement and a shot stubbed tail - I am almost positive it was a bobcat.  It was definitely not a pet cat.  Though having absolutely no clue about these things, it could also have been a cougar or a lynx - though these are both a lot less likely.  But still, whatever it was that was kind of a cool encounter - if only I hadn't left my phone upstairs, I wish I could have snapped a photo in that brief 30 second interval that I saw it. 

1 comment:

  1. Another dubious sighting of something without photographic support.(a la the comet)

    Is this pattern statistically significant
