Thursday, April 23, 2020

Sports Withdrawal + Song of the Week #2

I'm suffering some severe sports withdrawal.  I can't wait until it comes back, no matter in what form - for sure, it won't be with large attendances any time soon.  Some of the poor substitutes for sport currently airing do not cut the mustard - wrestling is just bad pantomime, virtual sports do not count, and the fact that they had to air the NFL Draft on prime-time tonight is just desperate.  However, I do have one recommendation - and that is the ESPN documentary The Last Dance which aired it's first few episodes last weekend (2 of 10 1-hour installments) -  I think it's on Netflix in the UK.  It may be about Michael Jordan and the 97-98 Chicago Bulls - but you don't need to know or even like basketball to appreciate this documentary, this is more about the individuals involved than the actual sport.  It is high quality - wide-ranging, insightful and candid.  Highly recommended.  Reminds me a lot of the OJ: Made in America documentary that aired a few years ago, which was great (and won an Oscar).  Catch that as well if you can.

Which leads me to my second "random" song of the week.  This one is a staple at American sports stadiums - and gets a lot of play during this documentary series because it is well known as the song they play when they introduce the Chicago Bulls players.


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