Monday, April 20, 2020

Moral Dilemma

So, I went for a walk yesterday evening and it took me past the cemetery/memorial park that I shared some photos of in a previous blog post.  But this time, I came across a gathering of people who looked like they had organized a get-together - they certainly came prepared: food, drink, deck chairs, other picnic stuff, toys for the kids, even a drone buzzing overhead.  To be frank, I was shocked.  If the brazen disregard for stay-at-home orders and social isolation wasn't enough, it was the disrespect they were showing to hold this kind of party in a place where the dearly departed were buried or honored.  And I suspect quite a few of the people there were drunk.  I was furious.  And then the dilemma, do I call up the police and let them know about this illegal gathering?  Snitches get stitches etc.  And if it wasn't for the fact that I saw them packing up their stuff, then I probably would have.  I probably should have anyway - I was angry.  But then, I'm guessing that they were probably there most of the afternoon.  So why hadn't anyone else reported them?  Dozen of other hikers, cyclists and motorists must have seen them.  And they were making so much noise that I could hear them blocks away, so there is no way that any of the neighbors around the park didn't hear them - so why had no one else apparently called the police?  Shocking - makes me nearly as mad at them as the people who were actually partying.  People suck. 

1 comment:

  1. In the middle of your post is a phrase which piqued my interest.
    It was "I could hear them blocks away".

    It occurred to me (as an untravelled Brit) that not only does "a block" convey a measure of distance which we don't conceptualise, we don't have a meaningful equivalent in the UK either.

    The benefits of grid-like town planning !!!
