Sunday, November 3, 2019

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Let's have a quick look at my scheduled DVR recordings for the week ahead, and pick out a few highlights:

Sunday: quite a lot of recordings, but probably the big one is Watchmen.  I like it so far, can't say I love it yet, but the potential is there.

Monday: ooh, I see I've already set up to record the first episode of His Dark Materials.  This has had a lot of hype, so has me intrigued.  I think this is a co-production between BBC and HBO, so it might already have aired in the UK.

Tuesday: only 1 recording, and it is for Treadstone - an action thriller set in the same universe as the Bourne films.  Maybe not as good as it sounds.

Wednesday: one of the better new network shows airs on Wednesday, Stumptown.  And its set in the Pacific NW (but Portland rather than Seattle).

Thursday: a rare Australian import, Mr Inbetween, is airing on Thursdays  Very dark comedy, very "Australian", and I'm surprised it's on here but glad it is because I enjoy it.

Friday and Saturday: nothing.  If a show isn't doing well, networks often burn off their episodes on Friday or Saturday - such is the low regard those days are held in.  Ironically, all the streaming services debut their shows on Friday.  There's a couple of Amazon shows - Jack Ryan and Goliath - that I need to catch up on.


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