Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Who Do You Think You Are?

For no apparent reason, I have developed a hankering for watching genealogy programs on telly for the last few weeks.  Think programs like the American version of Who Do You Think You Are?, or a better alternative to that called Finding Your Roots.  Both have more than their fair share of big name American celebrities with interesting family histories.  Perhaps because America is a country of immigrants, I could see how this kind of stuff has a particularly strong appeal here - perhaps even more so in light of the current political climate.  It makes me mildly curious about my own history - though I suspect there is very little intrigue or surprise to be found - and perhaps my curiosity also comes from the fact that it seems like I'm going to be at the end of my particular branch of the family tree.  But maybe I'm not quite as invested in it as say the American actor I've just seen getting emotional about his 12 x great-grandparent from the 16th century.  It might be interesting to know, but I just can't see how you can have an emotional connection with someone that far back.  But going back 3 or 4 generations could be enlightening.  But watching these shows I'm definitely disappointed to have never been asked to have my DNA tested to see whether I might be distantly related to a celebrity trying to trace their history - which is why I suspect my family history may be entirely mundane.             

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