Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Office Politics

I am thankful that my promotion has already been confirmed, because I fear that I am about to become a victim of some bad office politics.  I’ll try not to get into specifics, but basically there’s this regular task I’ve been working on for over a year that has come under closer scrutiny with implied criticism that I have not been following guidelines on how to perform this work correctly – despite my doing everything that has been asked of me, despite my raising the kind of criticisms being leveled at me now at the onset of the work, despite getting reassurance from management that it was okay for me to continue doing what I’m doing etc.  Unfortunately, I’ve been desperately searching my email folders but I cannot find the proof to confirm a lot of this.  I think the immediate people I work with know that I haven’t done anything wrong, but it’s other people I’m worried about and how my not following guidelines will be perceived and criticized.  And if this work ever gets audited, then I may be in a bit more trouble.  I hope it doesn’t come to that – but at least I can try to address these things now before it’s too late.  I don’t think any of this is serious enough to threaten my job security or anything like that, but just that I might not come out of this looking particularly good as other people cover their own asses. 

1 comment:

  1. It's a absolute rule of thumb that if you frantically searching for that important e-mail to save a situation, you'll never find it.

    A casual search when less stressed - lo & behold - it appears like the shopkeeper in Mr Benn
