Saturday, January 12, 2019

Paddington 2

Today I watched one of those rare films with a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes - Paddington 2.  Although a charming and enjoyable film, hardly a classic and not exactly the kind of film I'm going to rewatch any time soon.  Perhaps that shows how flawed it is to pass judgement on a film based on it's Rotten Tomatoes score - which is just a binary good or bad opinion.  That's why I tend to prefer Metacritic, which actually gives a more quantifiable score (in this case, 88% for the film, still not bad).  Either way, I agree that it is a good film, a great kid's film, but maybe not quite up to the real classics of the genre - like say ET, Toy Story and probably my personal favorite WALL-E.     


  1. Padd 2 was amazing, I loved it, I've not seen WALL-E, but what makes the other 2 films you named a class apart is that they brought a fresh new perspective / idea (Padd does not do this & by definion neither does any sequel).

    In terms of innovative concepts, I'd add Monsters Inc to the list.

  2. p.s. I liked the way they've slightly softened Padd's face in Padd 2. One of the things which I foud offputting in Padd 1 was that I thought they had CGI'ed Padd a little too aggressive looking.
