Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Nose to the Grindstone

Depressingly back to the routine and monotony of work today.  It has been just over a week off work, but it feels a lot less than that – where did all my free time go?  It doesn't feel like the festive period is over just yet.  I should really have also taken this week off, oh well.  And surprisingly quite a lot of people in the office today – I was sure it would be quiet, but once again I have to plug in my earbuds and listen to podcasts to drown out the overly loud and annoying Chinese being spoken by my colleagues.  More deadlines this month, so it's going to stay quite busy at work for the time being.  And got a stinking headache after just half a day back - after a somewhat sickly Christmas break, that doesn't bode well for the new year. 

1 comment:

  1. Learn Mandarin for "QUIET! - Your British overlord is getting distracted"
