Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sneaker Pimps

One of my favorite bands from the late 90's/early 00's was, and is, Sneaker Pimps.  Their first album, Becoming X, is still one of the best albums I own.  And even when their lead singer left, at which point their commercial success also left, I still liked their sound and I bought all their albums.  At least I thought I had.  I watched a YouTube video today on the rise and fall of the band, and was stunned to find out that they reformed many years after splitting up and released a new album in 2021.  I had absolutely no idea.  Now reviews of this album are not exactly easy to find, and those that I did find are decidedly mixed.  I listened to the title track, and it doesn't sound anything like they did before.  But still consider me intrigued.  

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