Thursday, September 5, 2024

Job Disillusionment

Our department is currently undergoing a shake up of the management structure i.e. our org chart is changing.  I was told this wouldn't impact me.  Of course, today I found out that is a complete fabrication.  I've been told I might have to have a new manager and work in an entirely different team.  Someone who I don't know, who I've never worked with, who I've never spoken to, who is Chinese, and who isn't even based in Seattle.  None of which makes me happy.  But even more than that, it's someone who is less senior than my current manager and it would essentially be a step down the corporate ladder.  I've already accepted that I have probably reached a career ceiling at this company and that it is unlikely I will ever get another promotion.  But this potential development is simply demoralizing and demeaning.  Clearly the Chinese Mafia who control these decisions do not value me very highly.  And I'm particularly disappointed with my current manager, who I did trust but now I'm wondering how much she really acts in my best interests - not just when it comes to this restructure, but also not pushing for my promotion.  I'm seriously considering my future at this company.  I'm not sure I have one anymore.  Let's see how things shape out, but I'm not optimistic.        

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