Monday, September 23, 2024

Messing Up

Well, I messed up by posting a blog about my dad's passing before my mum had a chance to contact all our family members.  And this was how some of them first found out the news.  So I feel really bad about that, and profoundly apologize.  In my defense, hardly anyone reads my blog and so this didn't even cross my mind.  Nevertheless, it was a mistake - hopefully not a big one, but still a mistake.  I also feel bad about not being able to help out much with all the things you need to do after a loved one dies.  Things like funeral arrangements, all the paperwork, all the people you need to notify, and probably a load of other things that I haven't even thought of.  Obviously it's not exactly practical for me to help - at least not until I can be there in person.  But that might be for the best, because I'm sure I'd find a way to mess that up as well.       

1 comment:

  1. I detect a bollocking (snigger).

    Just take solace in the fact that you do not have a tragic enough life to be reading family blogs at 07:30am on a Saturday morning!!!

    Don't worry, Mum wasn't phased or offended by it - she gets the time zone differential.
