Sunday, September 8, 2024

25th Anniversary

This year is the 25th anniversary of The Sopranos.  Arguably one of the greatest TV shows ever made (I still consider that to be The Wire, but that may only be because I watched The Wire from the beginning when it first aired).  Surprisingly, I don't own a box set of The Sopranos.  Even more surprisingly, I still haven't done a complete rewatch of the show.  There are still a number of episodes I haven't seen, including the infamous finale.  I need to make watching the entirety of the show a priority, it is too good to miss out on.  All of this is on my mind because I watched a great documentary this weekend on The Sopranos and it's creator David Chase.  I don't think it spoiled anything about the show that I didn't already know, but it has definitely reawakened my interest in the show.  Ideally I'd like to do a complete rewatch of The Sopranos, followed by a complete rewatch of The Wire, before making a final determination on which one deserves the title of greatest TV show ever made (I may also need to rewatch Breaking Bad and Mad Men - that's a lot of hours!).    

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