Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Feeling Old

A couple of worrying signs I'm getting older.  Noticed the other day that I've got a bruise on the back of my hand, and I have absolutely no idea how it got there.  I don't suppose it just randomly and suddenly appeared from nowhere, and it's not like it hurts or anything, but still a bit disconcerting not to know the cause.  And my Wordle form is also very lackluster (lacklustre).  My win percentage is down to 98% because there have now, apparently, been 5 times when I haven't got the answer in 6 guesses.  I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate (do they count the times when you start solving it, but then get distracted by something else and forget to complete it?), but twice in the last few weeks I inexplicably haven't got it, and other times when it's just taken me way too long or way too many guesses to get there.  Not fun to think about your mental faculties declining. 

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