Thursday, September 19, 2024

Job Security

Well, it was officially announced today - most of my job function is being outsourced to India.  And the timelines are expedited to such an extent that it seems inevitable that I will be out of a job before the end of next year.  Surprising, no.  Disappointing, yes.  There will probably be a lot of layoffs.  I guess it's a cost-cutting exercise, but this is an inexplicably poor decision by upper management.  Yes, outsource the work for the less important studies.  But not the most important ones that are needed for submissions and are so important to the company's bottom line.  And there is no way a vendor is going to handle the demanding timelines and excessive changes and requests typical at our company, especially towards a submission.  This is doomed to fail.  Regardless, where do I stand?  Well, I'm already somewhat unmotivated by my job and now even less so.  I've been thinking a lot about wanting to take a sabbatical, and this would seem to be the perfect time to do that.  Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise?!  Hopefully I'll get a decent severance package.  Long term, I have no idea of my plans.  With most positions being remote, I doubt I'll stay in the Pacific Northwest.  I'd rather move somewhere where the cost of living is cheaper.  I might even consider moving back to the UK.  I have absolutely no idea what the job market is like for my kind of job role - probably not as good as it used to be.  It's probably going to be a step down in my career, and especially in terms of my salary.  But I don't think I'm in a hurry to find a new job - I'd like to take the time to travel and enjoy life for a bit without the stress of a job and whilst I'm still (relatively) healthy.    

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