Thursday, September 19, 2024

Job Security

Well, it was officially announced today - most of my job function is being outsourced to India.  And the timelines are expedited to such an extent that it seems inevitable that I will be out of a job before the end of next year.  Surprising, no.  Disappointing, yes.  There will probably be a lot of layoffs.  I guess it's a cost-cutting exercise, but this is an inexplicably poor decision by upper management.  Yes, outsource the work for the less important studies.  But not the most important ones that are needed for submissions and are so important to the company's bottom line.  And there is no way a vendor is going to handle the demanding timelines and excessive changes and requests typical at our company, especially towards a submission.  This is doomed to fail.  Regardless, where do I stand?  Well, I'm already somewhat unmotivated by my job and now even less so.  I've been thinking a lot about wanting to take a sabbatical, and this would seem to be the perfect time to do that.  Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise?!  Hopefully I'll get a decent severance package.  Long term, I have no idea of my plans.  With most positions being remote, I doubt I'll stay in the Pacific Northwest.  I'd rather move somewhere where the cost of living is cheaper.  I might even consider moving back to the UK.  I have absolutely no idea what the job market is like for my kind of job role - probably not as good as it used to be.  It's probably going to be a step down in my career, and especially in terms of my salary.  But I don't think I'm in a hurry to find a new job - I'd like to take the time to travel and enjoy life for a bit without the stress of a job and whilst I'm still (relatively) healthy.    

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Feeling Old

A couple of worrying signs I'm getting older.  Noticed the other day that I've got a bruise on the back of my hand, and I have absolutely no idea how it got there.  I don't suppose it just randomly and suddenly appeared from nowhere, and it's not like it hurts or anything, but still a bit disconcerting not to know the cause.  And my Wordle form is also very lackluster (lacklustre).  My win percentage is down to 98% because there have now, apparently, been 5 times when I haven't got the answer in 6 guesses.  I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate (do they count the times when you start solving it, but then get distracted by something else and forget to complete it?), but twice in the last few weeks I inexplicably haven't got it, and other times when it's just taken me way too long or way too many guesses to get there.  Not fun to think about your mental faculties declining. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

You Reap What You Sow

Another assassination attempt - is this the new norm?  I can't say I'm surprised.  With the kind of rhetoric that Trump uses which encourages political violence, it's going to keep on happening.  And it's eventually going to succeed with tragic consequences - if anything, I'm more surprised that one of Trump's opponents hasn't been the target of an assassination attempt yet (or perhaps they already have, but it just hasn't been reported on).  If Trump doesn't win the election, then I dread to think what kind of reaction we might see from his fanatical and deluded followers - no doubt encouraged by Trump (you think he'll accept defeat?!).    

Monday, September 16, 2024

Hollywood Derby

Birmingham versus Wrexham aired live on US TV today.  I didn't watch it, but couldn't avoid knowing the result since it was featured predominantly in the sports headlines.  Mainly because of the various American celebrity owners of both teams (though Tom Brady's 3.3% ownership of Birmingham is hardly comparable to Ryan Reynold's massive investment in Wrexham).  A couple of years ago, I would never have imagined that a match in the third tier of the English league would be such a big deal in the States.  What a weird time we live in.     

Sunday, September 15, 2024

End of Summer

Summer doesn't end officially until next weekend, but it felt like it ended this weekend.  It's been a (relatively) cold, wet, miserable few days.  I packed away my AC units, and resigned myself to the fact that I won't be wearing shorts for the next 9 months.  On the plus side, as long as it stays dry it is perfect walking weather.  Also on the plus side, I can shut my windows without my house getting too hot - so I shouldn't be as bothered by neighbor noise as much as I have been recently. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Have I Got News For You

I had to look this up, but Have I Got News For You is still apparently running on BBC One.  It feels like it's been on forever - and the facts confirm that: 35 years and 600 episodes.  Even more surprising, the team captains have remained the same: Ian Hislop and Paul Merton.  I have never liked Ian Hislop, a smug know-it-all.  And the last time I saw the show, which admittedly was a long time ago, Paul Merton was old and unfunny.  It was never must-see TV for me, and even less so in recent times.  So why is this show on my mind?  Well this weekend, an American version of the show is airing for the first time.  I'm honestly surprised how long it's taken.  But how successful it will be is quite another question.  It doesn't help that it's airing on CNN - a news channel that I don't watch, and which many Americans don't watch (especially the Trump crowd).  America doesn't have a good record when it comes to adapting British shows, especially British panel shows.  Indeed there are very few American panel shows, it just doesn't seem to be a format that America wants or gets.  So I imagine this American version of Have I Got News For You will not last for long, going the same way as something like Taskmaster - the American version of which lasted for one episode before being unceremoniously dumped from the schedule.      

Friday, September 13, 2024

BBC Sport

To whomever is in charge of the BBC Sport website and app - it has now been way too many times when I've clicked on an interesting headline, only to be disappointed when I discover it applies to the women's side of whatever sport it is rather than the men's side which I naturally assumed.  Please make it clearer.  I don't care about women's football, women's rugby, women's cricket, women's golf or whatever women's sport it is that you inexplicably seem to have promoted onto your main headline page.  Is this the BBC being "woke"?  I don't care for it.  

Thursday, September 12, 2024


I don't know what is going on with my sleeping patterns right now, but I've been waking up consistently this week around 4 am.  I'm tired and totally unable to do anything constructive that early, but apparently not tired enough to be able to get back to sleep.  It's very frustrating and perhaps a symptom of my current stress levels.  Because I am definitely stressed out with various things right now, predominantly work-related.  I could really do with a mini-vacation, but I can't do that right now because the project I'm working on is so intense with one deadline after another.  Which is just adding to my stress... I could have done with winning the $800 million jackpot this week, but alas I didn't (if I won, I doubt I would still be writing these posts!).     

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Yet Again

Yep, I've just acquired another one:

I was also going to include a photo of my stack of unopened sets, but at this point I'm rather ashamed of it.   

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


I didn't bother watching the presidential debate.  I don't even know what the point was.  It was never going to make pleasant viewing and it was never going to change voters' minds (unless someone truly dropped the ball like Biden did in the first debate!).  You either love Trump or hate Trump.  I don't believe there are still undecided voters.  So, continuing my current theme of apathy, I don't really care about analyzing the debate and who won it.  Ultimately, it won't make a difference.  The next president will only be decided by a handful of states - and that is where all the money is being spent, and I imagine there that the debate will quickly get forgotten about in a plethora of attack ads.  As for the actual election, I have no doubts that Trump will win.  Whoever it is, divided America as it is is going to be a nightmare over the next 4 years.  

Monday, September 9, 2024

Sports Apathy

The New NFL (American football) season started this weekend... whatever.

Team GB in the Paralympics... whatever.

The UEFA Nations League... whatever.

I could go on.  Jeez, I am really apathetic about a lot of sports right now.  For example, I've (intentionally) really cut down the amount of football (soccer) I consume.  I don't think I've watched a single minute of the Premier League yet this season.  This is an interesting change in attitude... but is it a healthy one?   

Sunday, September 8, 2024

25th Anniversary

This year is the 25th anniversary of The Sopranos.  Arguably one of the greatest TV shows ever made (I still consider that to be The Wire, but that may only be because I watched The Wire from the beginning when it first aired).  Surprisingly, I don't own a box set of The Sopranos.  Even more surprisingly, I still haven't done a complete rewatch of the show.  There are still a number of episodes I haven't seen, including the infamous finale.  I need to make watching the entirety of the show a priority, it is too good to miss out on.  All of this is on my mind because I watched a great documentary this weekend on The Sopranos and it's creator David Chase.  I don't think it spoiled anything about the show that I didn't already know, but it has definitely reawakened my interest in the show.  Ideally I'd like to do a complete rewatch of The Sopranos, followed by a complete rewatch of The Wire, before making a final determination on which one deserves the title of greatest TV show ever made (I may also need to rewatch Breaking Bad and Mad Men - that's a lot of hours!).    

Saturday, September 7, 2024


Thankfully it was slightly less hot today.  But instead wildfire smoke has come into our region, resulting in hazy skies and really poor air quality.  I went for a walk this morning, and the light was very unusual with everything having an orange hue.  In many ways it was very photogenic, but I'm not sure my photos really do it justice (I should really have gone somewhere to catch what would have undoubtedly been a spectacularly colorful sunset tonight).  Plus a bonus photo from a few days ago of some visitors taking a rest in the shade of a tree in my yard.

Friday, September 6, 2024


We're currently in the midst of a late summer heat wave - maybe the last of the year.  The temperatures over the last few days have been in the mid-80's/low 90's (that's 30+ degrees Celsius).  In fact, I think Seattle broke a daily temperature record yesterday, and may also today.  It's about 10-20 degrees higher than the average, and absolutely horrible without AC.  You know it's bad when there's an official heat advisory in place until the early hours tonight.  I want to do some walking over the weekend - I need the exercise - so I think I have to try to do so in the mornings when it is at least a little cooler.    

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Job Disillusionment

Our department is currently undergoing a shake up of the management structure i.e. our org chart is changing.  I was told this wouldn't impact me.  Of course, today I found out that is a complete fabrication.  I've been told I might have to have a new manager and work in an entirely different team.  Someone who I don't know, who I've never worked with, who I've never spoken to, who is Chinese, and who isn't even based in Seattle.  None of which makes me happy.  But even more than that, it's someone who is less senior than my current manager and it would essentially be a step down the corporate ladder.  I've already accepted that I have probably reached a career ceiling at this company and that it is unlikely I will ever get another promotion.  But this potential development is simply demoralizing and demeaning.  Clearly the Chinese Mafia who control these decisions do not value me very highly.  And I'm particularly disappointed with my current manager, who I did trust but now I'm wondering how much she really acts in my best interests - not just when it comes to this restructure, but also not pushing for my promotion.  I'm seriously considering my future at this company.  I'm not sure I have one anymore.  Let's see how things shape out, but I'm not optimistic.        

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Cracker Barrel

I've seen a couple of adverts on TV recently for Cracker Barrel - a restaurant chain serving typically southern US fare like biscuits and gravy and country fried steak.  It's somewhere I have been to before a couple of times, but not for a very long time.  I remember it mainly as somewhere where old and morbidly obese Americans go to eat, and the food being reliably bland - though I still wouldn't mind going once in a while.  So why am I writing this blog?  Well, there is the small fact that there isn't a single Cracker Barrel location in the entire state of Washington.  So why the heck are they advertising here?  There aren't even any Cracker Barrels in Oregon either.  From what I can tell, you'd have to travel all the way to Idaho to find the nearest one.  With a lot of restaurant chains struggling and closing locations - including Cracker Barrel - their marketing strategy just seems nonsensical.       

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


For some reason - nostalgia? - I was googling Hertford today.  In particular, looking at Google Maps to see how much my birth town has changed.  And it appears to have changed a lot.  For example, the Waitrose that I briefly worked at as a cashier is no longer there.  However, Hertford now appears to have an Aldi.  And when I did a street view of my old childhood home, it was barely recognizable.  However, I'm glad to see that the park opposite the home is still there and has not been built upon.  It's been many years since I've been to Hertford, and I have absolutely no reason and no desire to go back.  But doesn't stop me being curious about how much has changed in 40+ years.     

Monday, September 2, 2024

TV Recommendations

I know linear TV is kind of dead nowadays, but I am enjoying the current Sunday evening lineup on HBO.  It starts with Industry (also on BBC 2).  People have likened it to Succession, but I don't think it's quite up to that level.  I would actually consider it more of a contemporary This Life with it's depiction of young professionals.  This is it's third season and I've watched it since the start and find it enjoyable and gripping,  And after that we have the documentary series Chimp Crazy.  I've never seen Tiger King, but it is apparently similar to that (same director).  All I know is that this show is weird, compelling and infuriating - making you hate these delusional people who own primates and treat them like children.  At least until they tear somebody's face off...  This show is like watching a car wreck.      


For the first time in a while, fell asleep in front of the TV this evening.  More like the kind of fitful sleep you get on airplanes than a full on deep sleep.  Either way, not ideal when I was watching some episodes of the The Sympathizer, where much of the language spoken is Vietnamese so I really need to concentrate on the subtitles... Started to become a real problem when I had to rewind at least 3 times to the same section which I couldn't appear to keep my eyes open during.