Friday, May 21, 2021


I predict more and more states here offering bigger and better incentives for people to go and get vaccinated.  And I hate it.  Why reward these people who have delayed getting a vaccination for whatever reason?  It's fundamentally wrong to me.  It's people who are already fully vaccinated, and got vaccinated as soon as they could, that should be rewarded.  So I hope and expect that any incentives offered to people to get vaccinated now are also offered to those who are already vaccinated.  But of course that won't happen, because the world isn't fair like that.  So annoying.  I don't know if they're offering any big incentives in our state yet - I've heard about other states offering things like entry into a lottery, cash, free beer etc.  I do know that you can get a free doughnut from Krispy Kreme every day if you show your completed vaccination card - but I haven't capitalized on that offer yet (mainly because I don't know if there is a Krispy Kreme near where I live).  Oregon has just unveiled a $1 million lottery for vaccinated people - let's hope they do something similar here (and because we're super competitive with our neighbor state, let's make ours a $2 million lottery).    

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