Sunday, May 16, 2021

A Nemesis Returns

Not happy.  As if I wasn't sleeping badly enough anyway, now I have another problem to contend with.  And it is one I've had to deal with before.  It has been a sunny and hot weekend, so I slept with my windows open last night.  And after staying up late to watch a movie, I went to bed late around 1.30am and was promptly woken up at 5.30am this morning by an absolute racket being made by a bunch of crows.  Loud enough to jolt me awake even though I had ear plugs in and had taken a sleeping aid before going to bed.  And I never got back to sleep.  What's the collective noun - a murder of crows?  My god, I want so much to murder these f*ckers.  And as I write this, I can still hear them cawing away.  I don't know how many of them there are, maybe only a couple.  Doesn't matter.  Doesn't change the fact that they are noisy as hell.  Apparently stomping around menacingly outside, throwing sticks, and hurling various obscenities at them doesn't make a jot of difference.  It's driving me absolutely crazy.  And I need to deal with this - when it eventually gets hot enough that I need to put the portable air conditioner in my bedroom, then my window has to be open for the exhaust pipe.  It's even hotter today, so I'm sleeping with my windows open again tonight.  I have no doubt I'll be woken up early again tomorrow.  Fun times.      

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