Thursday, May 6, 2021

Habitat at Home

So I was enjoying watching some deer saunter past my window yesterday, when I noticed a commotion in one of the trees next to my house.  The crows were particularly agitated.  This is the same tree which I've seen raccoons go up, so I was thinking these pesky critters might be back.  So I waited for the deer to go through into my neighbor's yard, and then took a closer look at the tree.

Curse my iPhone and it's crappy camera, you can't really see in the photo what I saw firsthand.  But it wasn't raccoons.  That brown object in the shade by the trunk in the middle of photograph is actually a big-ass owl.  It's not the first bird of prey I've seen near my house, but it is the first owl.  I'm not an expert on the local species, but it was big, brown and had noticeable ear tufts - so I suspect <consults internet> it was a great horned owl.  Which is kind of cool.