Sunday, May 31, 2020

Things Going Wrong

A bit of an electronics disaster today.  Firstly, my soundbar stopped working for no discernible reason.  I've been having ongoing minor issues with it since I got it - so this didn't come as much of a surprise.  Serves me right for getting a cheap brand, even though it came recommended.  After extensive online research, extensive playing around with the system settings, and a lot of cuss words - managed to fix it.  And how did I achieve this - by using the tried and tested formula of turning it off and turning it on again, and it magically fixed itself.  Grrrrrr.  And then this was followed up by finding out that one of my Nintendo Switch controller buttons isn't working properly - hence an embarrassing effort on Mario Kart today, as I couldn't get one of the key speed boost buttons to work.  And looking online, the price of replacement controllers is exorbitant - sold out at most places, and the few people selling them are doing so at an exorbitant markup.  I'm clearly going to have to shell out since I can't be competitive without it, but not happy about it.

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