Sunday, August 26, 2018

Stars and Stripes

Oh boy, where to start with this:

A meeting of the presidency leadership team?  The hardest I've ever seen Trump concentrate.  No Mr President, the American flag does not have a blue stripe - check your lapel pin.  If any athletes who kneel during the national anthem are not respecting the flag, what about those who don't color it correctly?  The Russian flag has a blue stripe.  Etc etc.  Reminds me of the Dan Quayle "potatoe" incident.  What has been a pretty bad week for the President probably ended on a good note for him with the sad death of one of his most outspoken critics in John McCain ("I like people who weren't captured" - jeez).   

1 comment:

  1. Trump's a Communist mate - anyone who fights that hard against free speech & contrary opinion is a Commie.

    Putin's poodle
