Friday, July 24, 2020

Man vs Animal

An update on the various conflicts I am currently having with nature:


- I think I can officially declare victory!  The mole was captured by one of the scissor traps.  Just the one mole - but there haven't been any new molehills since.  Fingers crossed, this particular war is over.  Thank god.  The yard definitely shows the scars of battle - that's impressive work by the little bugger if he (or she) was the only one to do all this.


- My goodness me, with the amount of insect bites I have you'd think I'd have developed some kind of super power.  But no, just a lot of discomfort and irritation.  Last night, I got a big bite right in the middle of my chest.  How the hell did that happen?  I think the only time I wasn't wearing a t-shirt was when I had a shower.  Unbelievable.


- Well, this is an interesting one.  I have a new secret weapon, and since I deployed it I haven't had any issues with crows waking me up by making a load of noise right outside my bedroom window.  Say hello to Histor (congratulations if you get my obscure 90's TV reference!):

Apparently, the crows don't like this when I leave it out!  However, I'm not sure if it's politically insensitive of me to hang the crow up like its been lynched...


1 comment:

  1. Moles

    How can you claim victory in line 1 & then question whether it was one animal's work in line 4? The latter implies the former is premature.


    Intelligent birds - they'll soon suss out your ruse.
