Sunday, July 19, 2020


We've had some clear skies over the last week, so for a few nights I've been trying to catch a glimpse of Comet Neowise a few hours after sunset.  Well I say "try", but what I really mean is stepping outside my front door and pointing my phone at the sky using a stargazing app.  And I still have absolutely no idea where the comet is - the app doesn't seem to want to tell me without making me pay for an upgrade, which I'm never going to do.  So, for the sake of argument, I'll just say that I saw it - though I suspect it is closer to the horizon where my view is obscured by trees.  And I also suspect that the comet is entirely underwhelming when viewed by the naked eye.  I'll make more of an effort to get a decent view of it next time (in 6800 years time).

1 comment:

  1. Lets say - for arguments sakes - you didn't see it!

    No better than me downloading a free fairies & elves app, pointing my phone into woodland, not seeing anything, but then claiming I did.
