Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Circus

Some political thoughts:

- The second summit between the US and North Korea seems like another blatant public relations stunt that won’t change a thing in the region and certainly won’t change North Korea’s path (which is most definitely not one of denuclearization).  It’s just a meaningless and pointless exercise that Trump will falsely use to advertise his great diplomatic skills and try to get a Nobel Peace Prize (because Obama has one).

- The news that Trump is putting together a national security advisory panel aimed at COUNTERING the science behind climate change and global warming is utterly abhorrent.  It beggars belief, and climate change is a hell of a lot more of a national emergency than building this stupid wall.

- Talking about the wall, it’s going to be interesting to see exactly how many Senate Republicans actually vote down Trump’s declaration of a national emergency.  It’s a fascinating litmus test for the level of executive power that the President should be allowed.  And in some ways, I hope that is does get through the government and the many, many challenges it faces in court.  Because then a more rational president in the future can declare things like climate change, gun control, universal healthcare, etc. as national emergencies.  And whoever is the next president after Trump, can you imagine how cathartic and how symbolic it would be to knock down Trump’s wall.  Note also that there is absolutely no military need to send troops to the southern border of America. 

- There seem to an awful lot of celebrities and business people with an awful lot of money who rigorously speak up for and support the Democratic party and its causes.  I have an idea then.  Why don’t you use all this money to buyout Fox News and shut it down, or buyout Twitter and block Trump’s increasingly deranged twitter account?  But no, you’d rather sit on your golden thrones in your golden palaces, and talk the talk without walking the walk.  Hypocrites.

- I don’t have a problem with giving Robert Mueller however long he needs to complete his special investigation, but my god when it has finished it had better be released to the public.  There is so much about the people at the highest echelons of American government that is intentionally kept from the general public which shouldn’t be – I want to see Trump’s tax returns, I want to see a full FBI investigation on Brett Kavanaugh, I want to know exactly what Trump talked about privately with Putin.

- By the way, I am not in the least bit surprised that most of Trump’s day is spent as “Executive Time” – his euphemism for watching Fox News, tweeting and speaking to his sycophants.  This is without a doubt the least hard-working president America has ever had – just look at the amount of golf he has played.  That on top of his general ignorance and his total disregard and disrespect for everything his position entails confirms to me that he is one of the worst presidents ever.  The Fact Checker’s ongoing database has Trump having made nearly 9,000 false or misleading claims since assuming office.  The people who voted for him should be ashamed.

- My current political hate list (US only): Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Bernie Saunders, Brett Kavanaugh, Mike Pence, Kellyanne Conway, Jared Kushner, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, John R Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, Greg Abbott, Kirstjen Nielsen.  And that doesn’t even include the many incompetent and/or reprehensible characters who have already quit, or been forced to quit, Trump’s government – the likes of Scott Pruitt and Steve Bannon.

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