Wednesday, February 6, 2019


This is the condition of the road at the end of my driveway:

The photo probably doesn't do justice to how steep it is, not to say you cannot see the steepness of my still snow-covered driveway, but it is absolutely undriveable.  I am absolutely appalled at the local district for not doing anything about it - despite my road, according to their own website, being a primary anti-icing treatment route.  There ain't any anti-ice on that road.  So, to get out in my car today - I had to use my neighbor/landlord's driveway.  Unfortunately, there is a big hump I need to get over to reach it, and on its own my car couldn't make it, it didn't have the traction on the ice/snow - I had to get a push from my neighbor/landlord's sons!  And once I negotiated their icy driveway - which at least is flat - and then the icy neighborhood streets, once I get to the main roads then the driving conditions get so much better.  It just seems that our neighborhood has been totally neglected when it comes to snow and ice response.  Disappointing.  But at least I was able to get some ice melter today - plus a few food supplies.  Tomorrow I'm planning to go into work briefly, but it might be my last chance to get out for a while - since we're going to be hit Friday/Saturday by what is forecast to be even more snow than before.  This is not usual for our area, and not welcome at all.         

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