Saturday, January 20, 2018

The X-Files

The X-Files is one of those shows that I watched a lot early on, then slowly drifted away from it as it got more convoluted, occasionally dipping in and out of it.  For sure it is an iconic series - cannot believe it's been on for 25 years with over 200 episodes - but always to me more of a cult series than a truly great one, which is why it doesn't get into my list of best TV shows ever (although Dana Scully will always be one of my first TV crushes!).  And, unbelievably, it is still going - currently airing it's 11th season.  I've long lost track of what the hell is going on when it comes to  the long form story arcs - I think maybe Fox and Scully have a kid with special powers or something?  But whatever, I have been recording these new episodes and I tried to watch the first one today.  "Tried" being the operative word.  Three times.  Every time, I managed to doze off within the first 15 minutes.  That does not bode well.  That tends to happen when you try watching a show that has it's charms but is well past it's prime and you're watching it for the sake of watching it, rather than actually be invested it.  As my DVR fills up, it might have to be sacrificed.   

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